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March 18 St. Patty's day brawl- (Covington, VA) Jackson River Sports Complex, casey Field, Ft Young, Main Street Park, Nettleton Park-rEDUCED ENTRY FEE EVENT $200 ONE DAY EVENt

March 25 COvington Clash- (Covington, VA) Jackson River Sports Complex, casey Field, Ft Young, Main Street Park, Nettleton Park one day event

April 1-2 USSSA spring classic- Botetourt Sports Complex 2 fields, Greenfield, Burton Complex, harkrader sports complex, kiwanis park, salem kiwanis, maher Field DOUBLE POINTS WEEKEND  

April 15-16 swva elite spring showcase-Randolph Park, harkrader sports complex, kiwanis park, Salem kiwanis

April 22-23 usssa spring state warm up-Botetourt sports complex 2fields, 
Burton Complex, Greenfield, harkrader sports complex, kiwanis park, Maher Field, SALEM kIWANIS 

April 29-30 usssa spring state-harkrader sports complex, kiwanis park, Randolph Park, Maher field, Salem Kiwanis CHAMPIONSHIP RING EVENT

may 6-7 SWVA Elite May Showdown- Harkrader sports complex, Burton Sports Complex, kiwanis park,, Salem Kiwanis

may 20-21 Usssa nit- Harkrader sports complex, kiwanis park, Burton Complex, salem kiwanis, Maher Field, Randolph park,Veterans Complex DOUBLE POINTS WEEKEND  

June  3-4 usssa summer state- Harkrader sports complex, Botetourt Sports Complex, Burton Sports Complex, Randolph Park TBD, kiwanis park, Salem Kiwanis, christiansburg high CHAMPIONSHIP RING EVENT

June  10-11 Va Commonwealth Games 8u-13u- Harkrader sports complex, kiwanis park, Randolph Park, Maher Field, christiansburg high CUSTON COMMONWEALTH GAMES AWARDS

June  24-25 usssa elite summer bash- (Covington, VA) Jackson River Sports Complex, casey Field, Ft Young, Main Street Park, Nettleton Park, Salem Kiwanis, Maher Field  

jULY 1-2 SWVA Elite high school sHOWCASE 15u-hs- cHRISTIANSBURG hIGH sCHOOL, sALEM kIWANIS, Other venues TBA

JULY 8-9 EAST COAST CHAMPIONSHIP- BOTETOURT sports complex, Greenfield, burton sports complex, Randolph park, Rivers Edge Complex, kiwanis park, Maher Field, christiansburg high

jULY 15-16 uSSSA sUMMER hIGH sCHOOL SHOWCASE 15u-hs- sALEM kIWANIS, christiansburg high


AUGUST 19-20 usssa back to school brawl- Botetourt Sports Complex, burton sports complex, HARKRADER SPORTS COMPLEX, kiwanis park, salem kiwanis, Maher Field, christiansburg high 

AUGUST 26-27- SWVA elite summer showcase-HARKRADER SPORTS COMPLEX, randolph park, rivers edge, kiwanis park, salem kiwanis, Maher Field, christiansburg high, radford university baseball complex ONE day sunday event for 9U-13U/ 14-18U two day

September 9-10 Covington Fall Brawl- jackson River sports complex Covington, Ft Young, Maher Field, Salem Kiwanis, Christiansburg High 9U-13U One day SUnday event/  15/16U Saturday one day/ 14U and 18 two day

September 16-17 usssa Marucci metal bat fall state-  hARKRADER SPORTS COMPLEX, KIWANIS PARK, Randolph Park, Veterans COmplex Radford, maher field, Salem Kiwanis, Hidden Valley High, christiansburg high championship rings &  Marucci Mobile Tour Event

Sept 30-Oct 1 Marucci fALL STATE battle of the rings-  Botetourt Sports complex, burton  sports complex, hARKRADER SPORTS COMPLEX, KIWANIS PARK, salem kiwanis, Maher Field, christiansburg high, Hidden Valley High championship ring event

october 14-15 swva elite October slam- hARKRADER SPORTS COMPLEX, KIWANIS PARK, Randolph Park, Botetourt Sports COmplex, Salem kiwanis, christiansburg high, Hidden Valley High

october 21-22 USSSA Halloween Havoc- Pink Ring Event
BOTETOURT sports complex, burton sports complex, HARKRADER SPORTS COMPLEX, KIWANIS PARK, Salem Kiwanis, Maher Field, christiansburg high, Hidden Valley High Wasena, Huff

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